Smart Kids Phonics Complete Set (CD-ROM)

Title: Smart Kids Phonics Complete Set CD-ROM
Publisher: Smart Phonics
Date: 2004
Quantity: 4 CD-ROMs
Size: 669 Mb
Format: .iso
Language: English

Recommened! The first in a series of 4 CD-ROMs covers alphabet and digraph beginnings. The Smart Phonics software follows an easy-to-use layout, based around 3 activities for teaching each letter/sound relationship.These are: listen to the poem, find the sound, and make words. This license allows the user to load the program on to one computer. [+/-]

- consonants
- vowels
- digraph beginnings
- digraph endings
- blend beginnigns
- blend endings
- magie e
- vowel digraphs
- changeable vowel sounds
- r controlled vowel sounds
- short vowels
- long vowels


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