101 Internet Businesses You Can Start From Home, 2nd Edition

Title: 101 Internet Businesses You Can Start from Home: How to Choose and Build Your Own Successful e-Business, 2nd Edition
Author(s): Susan Sweeney
Publisher: Maximum Press
Date: February 15, 2007
Pages: 329
Size: 1.75 Mb
Format: PDF
Quality: High
Language: American English

Over 17,000 Sold! In a freshly-updated second edition, this invaluable resource takes an in-depth look into the new American dream—running one’s own e-business from home. Starting with a guide to defining what is most important—time with family, a flexible schedule, financial freedom, and risk levels—this study moves into an investigation of how online business works, followed by profiles of 101 proven ideas guaranteed to fuel entrepreneurial thinking. [+/-]

From getting started in online and offline promotion, this handbook is sure to accommodate all needs and interests. The guidebook also includes a password that provides access to the companion website, offering the latest internet business news, expanded information, and additional online resources.

"An excellent resource for anyone wanting to start an Internet-based business. It not only includes many business ideas but also includes great information on building a top-notch website and generating lots of traffic to it." -Dr. Harvey Silverstein, Concentrics Communications

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