Forbidden American English

Title: Forbidden American English: A Serious Compilation of Taboo American English
Author(s): Richard A. Spears, Ph.D.
Publisher: Passport Books
Date: 1990
Pages: 244
Size: 6.40 Mb
Format: DjVu + Viewer
Quality: Good, well-scanned, readable
Language: American English

Compiled and annotated by lexicographer Richard A. Spears, Ph.D., Forbidden American English contains approximately 1,400 words and phrases that should not be used by educated speakers of English. A unique dictionary of highly offensive and often inflammatory vocabulary. [+/-]

Forbidden American English is intended to inform rather than offend or entertain, and contains knowledge that will at once enlighten native speakers and protect nonnative speakers from using provocative language. This dictionary will help users learn the meanings of words and expressions prohibited from most contexts and recommends that their use be avoided.

• To the User
• How to Use This Dictionary
• Pronunciation Guide
• Terms
• Dictionary
• Notes

About the author
Richard A. Spears, Ph.D.
, Associate Professor of Linguistics, Northwestern University. Specialist in lexicography; English language structure; phonetics; language standardization and condification; English as a second language; American culture.

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