Grammar for First Certificate with Answers (Book+Audio)

Title: Grammar for First Certificate with Answers: self-study grammar reference and practice
Level: Intermediate to Upper-intermediate
Author(s): Louise Hashemi and Barbara Thomas
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
Date: July 31, 2003
Pages: 274
Size: 87.9 Mb
Format: PDF + MP3
Quality: Good, well-scanned, readable, 22kHz/80kbps
Language: British English

This book is for anyone preparing for the Cambridge First Certificate in English exam and covers the grammar needed for the exam. You can use it with a general English language course for extra grammar practice or with practice tests as part of a revision programme. You can use it in class or for self-study. [+/-]

How do you use this book?
There are two ways to use this book. You can either start at Unit 1 and work through to the end of the book, or you can do the Entry test on p.vii to find out which units you need most practice in and begin with those.

What is in this book?
This book contains 25 units. Each unit is in four parts:

A: Context listening
This introduces the grammar of the unit in context. This will help you understand the grammar more easily when you study section B. It also give you useful listening practice. Play the recording and answer questions. Then check your answers in the Key before you read the Grammar section.

B: Grammar
Read through this section before you do the exercises. For each grammar point there are explanations with examples. You can also refer back to this section when you are doing the exercises.

C: Grammar exercises
Write your answers to each exercise and then check them in the Key.

D: Exam Practice
Each unit has a writing task and one other exam task. These have been designed to give you practice in the grammar for that unit as well as helping you to get to know the different parts of the exam. The Use of English tasks test the grammar presented in that unit, but they also test other areas of grammar (which are presented in the rest of the book). In the actual First Certificate exam, each question would test a different grammatical point.

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