Literally, the Best Language Book Ever

Title: Literally, the Best Language Book Ever: Annoying Words and Abused Phrases You Should Never Use Again
Author(s): Paul Yeager
Publisher: PERIGEE
Date: 2008
Pages: 210
Size: 1.60 Mb
Format: PDF
Quality: High
Language: American English

Recommened! This is a highly opinionated guide to better communication. In Literally, the Best Language Book Ever, author Paul Yeager attacks with a linguistic scalpel the illogical expressions and misappropriated meanings that are so commonplace and annoying in everyday conversation. Identifying hundreds of common language miscues, Yeager provides an astute look at the world of words and how we abuse them every day. [+/-]

For the grammar snobs looking for any port in a storm of subpar syntax, or the self-confessed rubes seeking a helping hand, this witty guide can transform even the least literate into the epitome of eloquence.

About the author
Paul Yeager
is a managing editor and a freelance writer. As a child, he was annoyed when reading, writing, and arithmetic were referred to as the Three R's, and he hasn't changed a bit over the years.

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