Painless Grammar, 2nd Edition

Title: Painless Grammar
Author(s): Rebecca Elliott Ph.D.
Publisher: Barron's Educational Series
Date: 1997, 2nd Edition
Pages: 287
Size: 1.81 Mb
Format: PDF9
Quality: High
Language: American English

If you’ve hated every grammar book you’ve ever had to open, get ready for a pleasant surprise! This book mixes parts of speech and punctuation rules with large portions of humor, down-to-earth examples of correct usage, and funny cartoon illustrations. As you learn painlessly about how to make a verb agree with its subject, or a pronoun with its antecedent, you’ll look at some of the wackier words in the English language and see how they are often misused. This new edition also gives you some handy tips on sending e-mail messages to your friends.

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