Real Jobs for Real People: Student's Book and Teacher's Book

Title: Real Jobs for Real People: Student's Book and Teacher's Book
Author(s): Brigitte Mingkwan (I want to know her indeed!)
Publisher: N/A
Date: 1995
Pages: 302/143
Size: 12.36 Mb
Format: PDF
Quality: Good, readable, photocopiable
Language: American English

The guide was designed to help immigrants and refugees, learners of English as a Second Language, prepare for employment in the United States. While the focus is on development of job search, application, and work environment skills, development of appropriate vocabulary, some grammar, and communication skills are also emphasized. [+/-]

The materials consist of 13 topical instructional units, each containing background information, topic-related forms, dialogues, vocabulary, grammar practice, and some exercises. Unit topics include: learning about the local job market; what employers are looking for in a good worker; attitudes supporting success; work and welfare; paycheck deductions; preparing to look for a job; job search methods; filling out application forms; setting goals, writing resumes and personal information sheets; basic interview skills; what not to do in interviews; career planning; and on-the-job relationships.

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