The Business Planning Guide: Creating a Plan for Success in Your Own Business

Title: The Business Planning Guide: Creating a Plan for Success in Your Own Business
Author(s): David H. Bangs
Publisher: Dearborn Financial Pub
Date: 1998, 8th edition
Pages: 305
Size: 7.85 Mb
Format: PDF
Quality: High
Language: American English

Forbes named "The Business Planning Guide" as its favorite, most useful small business book. In this new edition, small business owners can ramp up their technical savvy on the business planning front, complete with information on using the Internet as a business planning tool. [+/-]

About the Author
David H. "Andy" Bangs, Jr.
, is a longtime entrepreneur, founder of Upstart Publishing Company, bestselling author, and former banker. Calling himself "Writer, Sailor, Appreciator" (not necessarily in that order), Bangs’s genial insights on building businesses have made him one of the most sought-after experts on business planning. From his home base on the coast of New England, he has penned such perennial business classics as The Market Planning Guide and The Start-Up Guide and has coauthored numerous others.

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