In a New Land: A Comparative View of Immigration

Title: In a New Land: A Comparative View of Immigration
Author(s): Nancy Foner
Publisher: New York University Press
Date: Oct 1, 2005
Pages: 336
Size: 1.80 Mb
Format: PDF
Quality: High
Language: American English

Drawing on a wealth of historical and contemporary research, and written in a clear and lively style, In a New Land provides fresh insights into the dynamics of immigration today and the implications for where we are headed in the future. Centering her analysis on New York City, Nancy Foner focuses on race and ethnicity, gender, and transnational connections. [+/-]

Through an original comparative approach, Foner contrasts today's Latin American, Asian, and Caribbean newcomers with eastern and southern European immigrants a century ago and with immigrants in other major U.S. cities. Looking beyond the U.S., the book compares West Indian immigrants in New York with those in London. And, more generally, it views the process of immigrants’ integration in New York against other recent immigrant destinations in Europe.

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