The New US Farmer

Title: The New American Farmer: Profiles of Agricultural Innovation
Author(s): John Ikerd
Publisher: Sustainable Agriculture Network
Date: 2005, 2nd Edition
Pages: 200
Size: 7.73 Mb
Format: PDF
Quality: Excellent
Language: American English

Hailing from small vegetable farms, cattle ranches and grain farms covering thousands of acres, the producers in The New American Farmer, 2nd edition have embraced new approaches to agriculture. [+/-]

They are renewing profits, enhancing environmental stewardship and improving the lives of their families as well as their communities. The second edition builds on our popular first book. We've updated many of the profiles originally researched and written in 2000 and added 14 new profiles to represent every state and two U.S. territories. The book now features more than 60 successful farmers and ranchers.

From the Publisher
The concept for The New American Farmer came from John Ikerd, former agricultural economics professor at the University of Missouri. After decades of working with farmers and ranchers across the country, Ikerd wanted to convince others that thriving, family-run operations making a profit, working in harmony with the environment and helping improve their communities were no fluke. To him, the "new American farm" was a place where producers could create and achieve positive financial, environmental and quality of life goals.

About the Author
Published by the Sustainable Agriculture Network (SAN) for the Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (SARE) program. SARE is a program of the Cooperative State Research, Education, and Extension Service (CSREES), USDA, [and works with producers, researchers, and educators to promote farming systems that are profitable, environmentally sound, and good for communities]. SAN operates under a Cooperative Agreement between CSREES and the University of Vermont and the University of Maryland to develop and disseminate information about sustainable agriculture.

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