Asking the Right Questions: a guide to critical thinking, 8th Edition

Title: Asking the Right Questions: a guide to critical thinking
Author(s): M. Neil Browne and Stuart Keeley
Publisher: Prentice Hall
Date: 2007, 8th Edition
Pages: 226
Size: 3.69 Mb
Format: PDF
Quality: High
Language: American English

This popular book helps readers understand the difference between blindly accepting information and critical analysis and synthesis. It teaches how to react rationally to alternate points of view and develop a foundation for making personal choices about what to accept and reject in what we see and hear. [+/-]

Focusing on the question-asking skills and techniques necessary for evaluating different types of evidence, this book addresses critical thinking as a generic skill with many applications while emphasizing values and moral reasoning as an integral part of critical thinking. It provides extensive treatment of evidence while analyzing the biases that hinder critical thinking. It includes a chapter-length illustration of the system of "right" questions.

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