English Grammar for ESL Learners (Practice Makes Perfect Series)

Title: English Grammar for ESL Learners (Practice Makes Perfect Series)
Author(s): Ed Swick
Publisher: McGraw-Hill
Date: January 1, 2005
Pages: 160
Size: 1.5 Mb
Format: PDF
Quality: High
Language: English

Many people consider learning grammar a chore. At times, it can be but understanding the grammar of any language is essential for becoming a skilled and accurate user of that language. English is certainly no exception. Continuing the success of the bestselling Practice Makes Perfect series, Practice Makes Perfect English Grammar for ESL Learners features well-organized presentations, skill-building exercises, and a focus on practical conversational skills. [+/-]

Here you will find clear explanations accompanied by highlighted examples and boxed summaries of key points. You also get numerous exercises in a variety of formats, including fill-inthe-blank sentences and passages, translations, multiple-choice questions, sentence rewriting, and creative writing exercises. Answers to all questions are provided in the back of the book.

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