English Grammar: A University Course, 2nd Edition

Title: English Grammar: A University Course
Author(s): Angela Downing and Philip Locke
Publisher: Routledge
Date: 2005, 2nd Edition
Pages: 640
Size: 2.23 Mb
Format: PDF
Quality: High
Language: British English

This new edition of an award winning title has been thoroughly updated to include many new entries and examples of language in use. Presenting a complete course on English grammar, this book is essential reading for non-native speakers of English. [+/-]

This award-winning grammar course book provides the basis for linguistic courses and projects on translation, contrastive linguistics, stylistics, reading and discourse studies. Accessible and reader-friendly throughout, key features include:
• chapters divided into modules of class-length materials
• each new concept clearly explained and highlighted
• authentic texts from a wide range of sources, both spoken and written, to illustrate grammatical usage
• clear chapter and module summaries enabling efficient class preparation and student revision

About the author
Angela Downing
is Professor Emeritus in the Department of English Language and Linguistics (English Philology I) at the Universidad Complutense, Madrid.

The late Philip Locke taught at the Institute of Modern Languages and Translation at the Universidad Complutense, Madrid.

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