The Instant Diary (fill in the blanks)

Title: The Instant Diary (fill in the blanks)
Author(s): Dean Derkson
Publisher: Dean Derkson
Date: 2006
Pages: 148
Size: 1.62 Mb
Format: PDF
Quality: High
Language: American English

First you may want to write a diary but you are lazy. In that case just print out a copy, take your time filling in the blanks, and then leave it lying around for someone to read so you can catch them and get angry with them for reading your diary. [+/-]

Another way would be to pull it out at a party where everyone has stopped talking, or simply passed out cause of too much beer, and then pick random lines for others to fill in so you can find out more about them in a mechanical way.

Finally my original intention was to have a repository of sentences I could throw at my students in conversation classes so that they could practice question formation in a structured manner.

I hope you enjoy it.

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